Andrea Tsakanikas - Smart travel and lodging management

Andrea Tsakanikas

Get in touch with for your upcoming crew travels to remote locations in the oil and gas shales. is a trusted mobile workforce and logistics management firm, with a track record of customer satisfaction throughout the industry.  The company has a client-base that hails from diverse industry verticals, such as wind, solar, oil & gas, construction, education, transportation, government and municipal entities alike.
How it all started?
The founders of were disheartened to see how companies with mobile workforces were overspending on lodging.  In addition, companies with crews traveling in remote areas were finding difficulty in vetting quality facilities, closest to their job sites, at competitive rates.
How does it work?
When it comes to personnel lodging, offers streamlined and simplified solutions to its clients. From reducing the need for administrative labor required to book reservations during nights and weekends, to negotiating room rates, to ensuring reduced lodging and travel cost – handles all travel management via single point of contact. The company works as a liaison between all the parties involved, and ensures crew members are thoroughly tracked, managed and assured of a great stay.
The company begins by eliminating client need for in-house administrative labor required to manage travel.  Then assists in researching potential travel cities for competitive rates, nearby your job site, ensuring that hotel rooms adhere to quality standards and eliminate unnecessary costs from the final facility bill. and its team of  travel coordinators, dispatchers, procurement, research, accounting and audit, customize the solutions to fit your requirements perfectly.
How does it save on your costs and time?
Andrea Tsakanikas the women behind major operations in the Organizations usually focus solely on quoted hotel room rates as the only and actual expense, whereas that is not the case.  When a travel manager controls the entire process and analyzes client past travel expenses, in so many instances we find that the quoted rates were not what was charged to the credit card or on the direct bill at the end.  Many times the rate increased, extra rooms were added, extra nights were added, rooms were not checked out when the crew actually moved to the next city, incidentals were charged that were not authorized.  So the focus needs to begin with the rate quote, but truly be controlled on a daily basis for tracking rooms through checking rooms out and then comparing actuals to what is on the final bill before processing for payment.  This is where comes to your rescue. Your final facility bill will only include the agreed upon room rate and for the rooms and nights occupied only. clients only pay for the rooms and rates authorized and used. manages your check ins to ensure when your crew arrives after their shift they quickly access their room without delay.  In addition, all facilities are vetted and qualified to ensure adherence to health, safety and environmental standards.
Know the potential benefits in further detail:
  • Crewfacilities reduces your in-house labor required to manage crew travel.
  • And fully-customizes and streamlines client processes to make it fast and efficient.
  • Tracks and manages every move of your crew members and reports with real-time data 24/7/365.
  • And, prides on delivering fully audited invoices with unnecessary costs removed.


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